Right of Way Maintenance

Maintenance of trees and foliage around power lines has always been a tough issue. No one wants to see the tree that they’ve carefully watered, protected from the harsh Ohio winters, and watched grow to maturity, pruned back on one side or even down the middle.

And yet trees that have grown into the power line right-of-way are one of the leading causes of outages and reduced power quality -- costing members tens of thousands of dollars annually and leaving many searching frantically for candles and flashlights.

Our Concerns

On top of the cost and hassle, a tree that has grown too close to a power line can be deadly. Contact caused by growth, wind or broken branches can leave a tree energized making it an electrical shock hazard and creating serious danger for any person or animal that would come into contact with it. If you have concerns or questions about trees or right-of-way issues. Please Email: Jeff Addy Projects Superintendent or call:

New ConcordOhio Toll Free

Our Mission

Guernsey-Muskingum Electric utilizes an agressive, system-wide process in an effort to provide maximum benefit and protection to members and their property by establishing safe and manageable right-of-ways. Providing our members with safe and reliable power is one of our top priorities. That’s why our right-of-way maintenance crews put considerable time and energy into clearing and maintaining the Cooperative’s right-of-ways – particularly during the summer, when trees are in full bloom and brush is at its highest level. Simply put, our Right-of-Way Maintenance Program is designed to prevent trees from coming into contact with power lines.

Our Methods

Guernsey-Muskingum's vegetation management activities include the following four components:

Tree pruning.
The removal of hazard trees and other trees that require excessive pruning.
The mowing or cutting of brush and small trees on the right-of-way.
Herbicide application to small trees on the right-of-way.

Select the Right Tree

When planting near power lines, choose trees that will grow no higher than 25 feet at maturity. You'll find a suggested list on the next page. Power-friendly trees give you options for spring and fall color, tree shape and size, and fruit. Ask your local nursery or garden center for help in selecting trees. They may have further suggestions for your particular climate and landscaping.

Plant in the Right Place

When planting trees or shrubs, find out where underground wires are before you dig. Call Guernsey-Muskingum Electric and contact OUPS to have utility lines marked - the service is free.

New ConcordOhio Toll Free

Avoid planting directly under power lines. Within 40 feet of power lines, plant trees that will grow no higher than 25 feet.
Larger trees should be planted 60 feet or more away from lines. Look at the service lines to your house as well as the main line along the roadway or right of way.
Plant leaf-bearing trees to the east and west of your home to reduce summer cooling costs, while allowing winter sunlight. Position evergreens and shrubs where they will block cold winter winds.

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